“What I now see justifies me in saying that I see red”. And what do you now see? If the answer is “this” it is no answer I give to myself. || The answer may be “this” but you ◇◇◇ answer I don't tell myself what it is I see.
     I don't see what I see more definitely if at the same time I see my finger pointing to it. (The question ought to have been what are you now looking at).
     I don't tell myself what it is I see by looking at || seeing my finger pointing to what something.
Suppose I said: “What I now see justifies me in saying “I see red” because it is the same colour as this sample”,
this is a justification only if I use the word || expression “the same colour” in a fixed way. That is when we judge how this word is used on the ordinary grounds of behaviour etc.