I tell the waiter bring me always clear soup & thick soup to the others. He tries to remember my face.
     Suppose I change my face (body) every day entirely, how is he to know which is me. But it's a question of the existence of the game. “If all chessmen were alike how should one know which is the king?”
     Now it seems that, although he couldn't know which is me, I still could || would know it.
     Suppose now I said: “it wasn't so & so, it was I who asked for clear soup”, – couldn't I be wrong? Certainly. I.e. I may think that I asked him, but didn't. Now are there two mistakes I can make: one, thinking that I asked him, the other, thinking that I asked him? I say: “I remember having asked you yesterday”, he replies: “You weren't there at all yesterday”. Now I could say either
“Well then I suppose I remember wrongly” or: “I was here only I looked like him yesterday”.