Wittgenstein Source Bergen Nachlass Edition (BNE)

(2015-) Wittgenstein, Ludwig: Bergen Nachlass Edition. Edited by the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen under the direction of Alois Pichler. In: Wittgenstein Source, curated by Alois Pichler (2009–) and Joseph Wang-Kathrein (2020–) [wittgensteinsource.org]. Bergen: WAB.

The edition was last updated in August 2022.

With the Wittgenstein Source Bergen Nachlass Edition (BNE), the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB) gives access to Wittgenstein's Nachlass as originally catalogued by his trustee G.H. von Wright in "The Wittgenstein papers" (1969 and later editions). In addition to the items already listed in von Wright's catalogue, also items discovered only later have been included. They are given numbers that continue von Wright's numbering convention and are: Ms-183, Ts-246, Ts-247, Ts-248 and Ms-312.

Both facsimiles (JPG) and transcriptions (XML/HTML; normalized / linear and diplomatic versions) are offered. Moreover, we intend to equip each Nachlass item with an archival note and an entry that addresses the item's text genesis and philosophical relevance.


Please note that only the facsimiles of the items held at the Wren Library at Trinity College Cambridge (WL) and the facsimiles of the items held at the Bertrand Russell Archives, Ontario (BRA), are made available under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International) - the first since February 19, 2017, and the second since February 28, 2017. For the facsimiles of all other items standard copyright regulations and permission restrictions apply.

The new scans of the items held at the Wren Library (WL) were produced in 2014-15 with the financial support of the Stanhill Foundation, London, and post-processed at WAB. The sale, further reproduction or use of the images for commercial purposes without prior permission from the copyright holder is prohibited. © 2015 The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge; The University of Bergen, Bergen.

The new scans of the items held at the Bertrand Russell Archives (BRA) were produced in 2015 with the financial support of the Bertrand Russell Archives and post-processed at WAB. The sale, further reproduction or use of the images for commercial purposes without prior permission from the copyright holder is prohibited. © 2015 The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge; The Bertrand Russell Archives at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario; The University of Bergen, Bergen.

The new scans of the items held at the Austrian National Library (ÖNB) were produced in 2014-15 with the financial support of the Stanhill Foundation, London, and post-processed at WAB. The sale, further reproduction or use of the images for commercial purposes without prior permission from the copyright holder is prohibited. © 2015 The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge; The Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna; The University of Bergen, Bergen. All rights reserved.

The new scans of the items held at the Bodleian Library (Bodl) were produced in 2017 with the financial support of the Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft, Vienna, and post-processed at WAB. The sale, further reproduction or use of the images for commercial purposes without prior permission from the copyright holder is prohibited. © 2017 The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge; The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Oxford; The University of Bergen, Bergen. All rights reserved.

The new scans of Ts-205 (Geleitwort to "Wörterbuch für Volksschulen") The Martin J. Gross Family Foundation were produced in 2017 with the financial support of the Strategic Priorities Fund of the College of Wooster, and post-processed at WAB. The sale, further reproduction or use of the images for commercial purposes without prior permission from the copyright holder is prohibited. © 2019 The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge; The Martin J. Gross Family Foundation; The University of Bergen, Bergen. All rights reserved.

The new scans of Wittgenstein Nachlass items 302, 303 and 308 pertaining to the Rose Rand archives were kindly contributed by the Archives of Scientific Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh (PA) and post-processed at WAB. Please note that the copyright is partly undetermined. The sale, further reproduction or use of the images for commercial purposes without prior permission from the copyright holder is prohibited. © Partly undetermined; The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge. All rights reserved.

Please note that it has not yet been possible to complete the facsimile edition.


The transcriptions and text editions were prepared by WAB under the direction of Claus Huitfeldt (1990-2000) and Alois Pichler (2001-). They are made available by permission of The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the University of Bergen, Bergen, and in agreement with Oxford University Press with whom WAB cooperates towards producing a new Bergen Electronic Edition.

Please note that only the ca. 5000 pages made available open access in the Discovery project (Ts-201a1, Ts-201a2, Ms-139a, Ts-207, Ms-114, Ms-115, Ms-153a, Ms-153b, Ms-154, Ms-155, Ms-156a, Ms-148, Ms-149, Ms-150, Ts-212, Ts-213, p.39v of Ms-140, Ms-141, Ms-152, Ts-310) are available under the CCPL BY-NC 4.0 license. For all other items standard copyright regulations and permission restrictions apply. The copyright holders are: The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge; The University of Bergen, Bergen.

Rights in the redrawings of graphics: © The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge; University of Bergen, Bergen. The redrawings are licensed under the CCPL BY 4.0 license.

The transcriptions are also made available for "interactive dynamic presentation" on WAB's IDP site which permits chronological sorting as well as other user tailored output formats.

Transcribers, graphics creators, proofreaders and facsimile editors 1990-:

Daphne Bielefeld, Michael Biggs, William T. Boos, Peter Cripps, Franz Hespe, Claus Huitfeldt, Heinz Wilhelm Krüger, Ole Letnes, Alois Pichler, Angela Requate and Maria Sollohub all worked at WAB in the period 1990-2000 and became quite central to the operations of the project. Other persons working for the project in the period 1990-2000 include Astrid Castell, Cato Wittusen, Christiane Blume, Lawrence Goldstein, Dinda L. Gorlee, Eirik Vassenden, Espen S. Ore, Frank Meyer, Ilse Somavilla, Jürgen Gercken, Karl-Emil Sødergren, Kjetil Johnsen, Knut Olav Åmås, Kyrre Trohjell, Odin Thorbjørnsen, Peter Philipp, Rasa Davidaviciene, Romuald Süßmann, Sascha Djuric, Yngve Simmenes, Øystein Hide. The following additionally contributed with transcription, encoding, facsimile editing or proofreading since 2000: Kirsten Bang, Alexander Berg, Hans Biesenbach, Christian Erbacher, Nivedita Gangopadhyay, Tim Grasshöfer, Sebastian Sunday Grève, Florian Gstöhl, Inês Hipólito, Heinz Wilhelm Krüger, Anne Lindebjerg, Helle Nyvold, Alois Pichler, Martin Pilch, Franz Schörkhuber, Helga Sinn, Deirdre C. P. Smith, Jasmin Trächtler, Nuno Venturinha, Špela Vidmar.

The redrawings of graphics have been produced by Sara Lavazza and Michele Lavazza on the request of and in cooperation with WAB.

We are deeply grateful for any notification of transcription errors or other mistakes and deficiencies. Users who have already notified us of mistakes and deficiencies which led to corrections and improvements, include:

Almut Kristine v. Wedelstaedt, Bernt Österman, Brian McGuinness, Brian Rogers, Cameron McEwen, Daniele Vittorio Genner, Daphne Bielefeld, David G. Stern, Denis Paul, Dinda L. Gorlee, Elena Tatievskaya, Florian Franken Figueiredo, Frank Scheppers, Frederic Kettelhoit, Hanoch Ben-Yami, Herbert Hrachovec, Hugh Knott, Ilse Somavilla, Jasmin Trächtler, Joachim Schulte, Jonathan Smith, Josef Rothhaupt, Julian Braunwarth, Katalin Neumer, Katharina Neges, Konrad Bucher, Lars Hertzberg, Mauro Engelmann, Michele Lavazza, Nicolas Reitbauer, Nicole Immler, Nuno Venturinha, Pascal Zambito, Peter K. Westergaard, Robert Vinten, Sarah Uffelmann, Severin Schroeder, Simo Säätelä, Sool Park, Sorin Bangu, Swithin Thomas, Tuomas W. Manninen, Victor Rodych, Wolfgang Kienzler.

The following have made programming contributions 2000-:

Kjersti Bjørnestad Berg, Tone Merete Bruvik, Øyvind Liland Gjesdal, Claus Huitfeldt, Frederic Kettelhoit, Vemund Olstad, Øystein Reigem, Hemed Al Ruwehy, Sindre Sørensen, Joseph Wang, as well as the following R&D projects: DISCOVERY, AGORA, DM2E, DF, WITTFIND, CLARINO.

Archival and Text genetic-philosophical notes:

The archival notes have been authored in cooperation with Alois Pichler by Jonathan Smith (Wren Library items), Alfred Schmidt  (Austrian National Library items), Bridget Whittle (Bertrand Russell Archives items) and B. C. Barker-Benfield (Bodleian Library items). The  text genetic-philosophical notes are authored by Joachim Schulte. For copyright and license see the single notes.

How to refer to an item, a page or a remark:

For reference to a specific item, page or remark ("Bemerkungen") please use the permalink - for example: http://www.wittgensteinsource.org/Ts-201a1_f (facsimile of entire item Ts-201a1); http://www.wittgensteinsource.org/Ts-201a1,a3_f (facsimile of specific page Ts-201a1,a3); http://www.wittgensteinsource.org/Ts-201a1,a1[1]_d (facsimile of specific Bemerkung Ts-201a1,a1[1] in diplomatic version);  http://www.wittgensteinsource.org/Ts-201a1,a1[1]_n (facsimile of specific Bemerkung Ts-201a1,a1[1] in normalized / linear version).

Cooperation partners and sponsors:

Trinity College Cambridge; Wren Library, Cambridge (Jonathan Smith, David McKitterick, Sam Forder-Stent, James Kirwan, Nicolas Bell); Austrian National Library, Vienna (Alfred Schmidt); The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Oxford (Bruce Barker-Benfield, Richard Ovenden, Nick Cistone, John Barrett); Bertrand Russell Archives, Ontario (Rick Stapleton, Bridget Whittle); Martin J. Gross Family Foundation; Strategic Priorities Fund of the College of Wooster; Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society; Désirée Weber; Archives of Scientific Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh Archives & Special Collections, Pittsburgh (Laura R. Brooks; Kayla Heslin); Stanhill Foundation, London (Ilyas Khan); Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft (Reinhart Kögerler. Judith Brunner); net7, Pisa (Simone Fonda, Danilo Giacomi, Alessio Piccioli, Romeo Zitarosa); Joachim Schulte; Brian McGuinness; Herbert Hrachovec; Michael Biggs; Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung, LMU Munich (Max Hadersbeck); Oxford University Press, Oxford; L. Meltzers Høyskolefond, Bergen; Unifob Aksis and Uni Digital, Bergen (Daniel Apollon, Tone Merete Bruvik, Anne Lindebjerg, Vemund Olstad); Section for Digital Services at the University of Bergen University Library, Bergen (Øyvind Liland Gjesdal, Rune Kyrkjebø, Karin Rydving); University of Bergen, Bergen; EU project COST Action A32 (2006-10: Paolo D'Iorio, Michele Barbera, Hans Walter Gabler); FCT project Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations (2010-13: Nuno Venturinha); EU project DM2E (2012-14: Stefan Gradmann); EU project Discovery (2006-09: Paolo D'Iorio, Michele Barbera); FWF project Culture and Value Revisited (2006-08: Allan Janik); RCN project Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure Norway (2012-16: Koenraad de Smedt, Vemund Olstad); UBB project Digitale fulltekstarkiv, Bergen (2012-14: Øyvind Liland Gjesdal, Rune Kyrkjebø); Sara Lavazza and Michele Lavazza (Milan); Moritz Schlick Research Centre, University of Rostock (2022-: Martin Lemke, Matthias Wunsch).

Abbreviations used in BNE:

Bodl = Bodleian Library, Oxford
BRA = Bertrand Russell Archives, Ontario
NHA = North Holland Archives, Harlem
PA = Archives of Scientific Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh
WL = Wren Library at Trinity College, Cambridge
ÖNB = Austrian National Library, Vienna
m = metadata (includes "Archival note" and "Text genetic-philosophical note")
F = facsimile
D = diplomatic transcription
N = normalized / linear transcription

How to get to the facsimile edition: EDITIONS > Bergen Nachlass Edition (BNE) > F
How to get to the normalized / linear transcriptions (currently available only for a part): EDITIONS > Bergen Nachlass Edition (BNE) > N
How to get to the diplomatic transcriptions (currently available only for a part): EDITIONS > Bergen Nachlass Edition (BNE) > D
How to get to the archival and text genetic-philosophical notes (currently available only for a part): EDITIONS > Bergen Nachlass Edition (BNE) > m