2022, August. BNE: Addional facsimiles of items kept at the Archives of Scientific Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh (PA) have been uploaded. Facsimiles are now available for all items except 248, 301, 302 (typescript), 303 (typescript), 304, 305, 306, 307, 311.
2022, May. BNE: Addional facsimiles have been uploaded. Facsimiles are now available for all items except 248, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 311.
2021, August. BNE: The published previously low resolution facsimiles of Ts-212 have been replaced with new high-resolution facsimiles. The transcriptions published previously have been updated.
2020, December. BNE: Transcriptions have been added for a great number of items and are now available for all items except Ts-212, Ts-214a2, Ts-214b2, Ts-214c2, Ts-221b, Ts-246, 307, 308, Ts-309 (Stonborough’s copy), Ts-310 (Redpath's copy), 311. Facsimiles are now available for all items except Ts-211, Ts-227b, Ts-230b, Ts-230c, Ts-242a, Ts-248, Ms-301, Ts-302, Ts-303, Ts-304, Ms-305, Ts-306, 307, 308, Ts-309, 311. The current facsimiles for item Ts-212 will soon be replaced with new high-resolution images.
2019, October. BNE: Ts-205 (Geleitwort to Wörterbuch für Volksschulen) has been added, kindly provided by Wittgenstein Source Wörterbuch für Volksschulen Materials (WFV), ed. Désirée Weber.
2019, October. WFV: Wittgenstein Source Wörterbuch für Volksschulen Materials (WFV), provided by Désirée Weber (Wooster College), is being added.
2019, September 27. Joseph Wang from the Innsbruck Brenner Archives joins Wittgenstein Source as co-curator.
2019, January 14. Image viewer Adobe Flash Player has been replaced with OpenSeadragon.
2019, January 2. MWN: The published previously low resolution facsimiles have been upgraded to high resolution facsimiles.
2018, April 6. MWN: The errata page has been updated.
2017, June 7. BNE: Archival descriptions have been added for Ms-104 and Ts-202 and are now available for the following items: MSS 104-115, 139a and 139b, 142, 148-156a, 183, TSS 201a1 and 201a2, 202, 207, 212-213, 247, 309 (Stonborough’s copy), 310 (Redpath’s copy), 310 (von Wright's copy).
2017, May 31. BNE: Further descriptions by Joachim Schulte have been added for items MSS 112-113. With this addition, text genetic-philosophical descriptions by Joachim Schulte have become available for the following items: MSS 105-122, 139a, 145-156b and TS 213. Facsimiles have been added for the two Bodleian Library items Ms-104 (Prototractatus) and Ts-202 (Engelmann TS of the Tractatus) as well as for MSS 112-113, 129, 134 and TSS 233a and 233b (Zettel), 309 (Blue Book, Stonborough’s copy), 310 (Brown Book, Redpath’s copy). With this addition, facsimiles of most preserved Nachlass items have become available on BNE. Facsimiles not yet available on BNE include TSS 205, 211, 227b, 230b-c, 242, and the dictation items 301-308. Also note that the current facsimiles of Ts-212 are still the ones made available in 2009; they will be replaced with the newer and better facsimiles as soon as our resources permit.
2017, March 22. BNE: Further descriptions by Joachim Schulte have been added for items MSS 116-122. With this addition, text genetic-philosophical descriptions by Joachim Schulte have become available for the following items: MSS 105-111, 114-122, 139a, 145-156b and TS 213.
2017, February 28. BNE: The facsimiles of the items held at the Bertrand Russell Archives, Ontario (BRA), are now available under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Please note that standard copyright regulations and permission restrictions continue to apply for all other items.
2017, February 19. BNE: The facsimiles of the items held at the Wren Library at Trinity College Cambridge (WL) have now become available under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Please note that standard copyright regulations and permission restrictions continue to apply for all other items.
2016, September. BNE: Further descriptions by Joachim Schulte have been added for items MSS 105-111. With this addition, text genetic-philosophical descriptions by Joachim Schulte have become available for the following items: MSS 105-111, 114-115, 139a, 145-156b and TS 213.
2016, May. PTT: The Wittgenstein Source Prototractatus Tools (PTT), provided by Martin Pilch (Vienna), have been added.
2016, March-April. BNE: New facsimiles have been added for a great number of items previously not available on Wittgenstein Source, in detail: MSS 116-117, 119, 124, 126-128, 130-132, 136-138, 139b, 140, 142, 145-146, 156b-157a, 160-161, 171-172, 178a-h, 180a; 208-210, 214a-227a, 228-230a, 231-232, 235-241b, 243-245.
2016, January. LPA: The Wittgenstein Source Facsimile Edition of Tractatus publication materials, provided by Alfred Schmidt from the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Vienna), has been added. BNE: The facsimiles of Ts-201a1 and Ts-201a2 have been replaced with new scans produced in 2015.
2015, September-October. BNE: Further descriptions have been added. In addition facsimiles of ca. 50 items previously not available on Wittgenstein Source have been uploaded, including the Vienna and Gmunden typescripts of the Tractatus (Ts-203 and Ts-204), the manuscript of the earlier so-called "Part II" of the Philosophical Investigations (Ms-144) and the typescript of Redpath's English translation of the preface to the prewar version of the Philosophical Investigations (Ts-247). In detail: MSS 101-103, 105-111, 118, 120-123, 125, 133, 135, 143-144, 147, 151, 157b, 158-159, 162a-170, 173-177, 179, 180b, 183; TSS 203-204, 247.
2015, August. BNE: Descriptions by Joachim Schulte have been added for items Ms-148, Ms-149, Ms-150 and Ms-152.
2015, June. MWN: The Wittgenstein Source Facsimile Edition of Moore’s Notes of Wittgenstein’s Lectures, provided by David G. Stern (Iowa), has been added. BNE: Newer and better facsimiles have now replaced all facsimiles published previously except for items Ts-212, Ts-201a1 and Ts-201a2. A description by Joachim Schulte has been added for item Ts-213.
2015, May. BNE: The facsimiles published previously of items Ms-114, Ms-115 and Ms-139a have been replaced with newer and better facsimiles. Descriptions by Joachim Schulte have been added for items Ms-114, Ms-115 and Ms-139a.